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We have compiled a list of BIPOC National and International Titleholders In the Leather and Kink Cultures. After extensive research we are proud to produce a list of Titles and Names that span several decades. Though some titles do not exist anymore, we still want to recognize and bring visibility the representation in our community in this particular sub culture. If you know of any National or International Titles and Names that we have missed, please email info@pockle.org.   Mr Fantasy Leather Mr...

This #Keynotes #POCKLEKeynoteProject #KeynoteProject is by Mama Vi Johnson given at Beyond Leather BEYOND LEATHER Greetings everyone. Though I am probably not the first , let me welcome you all to Beyond Leather. When Top and Bonnie asked me to give this keynote, the first question I asked was, “What do you want me to talk about?” They said, “welcome everyone, then spend just a few minutes talking about what ever you want.” OK, I've...

Hello everyone!!! Updates: $200 was sent via PayPal to the Carter/Johnson Leather Library Seattle Annex! Thanks for continuing to contribute! Check out: www.pockle.org/shop You'll see we have added more items that became available to us!!! If you have ordered the following: pin, fan, patch- These orders will begin to be mailed out THIS SATURDAY Aug 8th! So you have until then to finish PRE-ORDERS before they are mailed out. We are becoming overwhelmed with orders needing to go out that...

ROLLLLLLLLL CALLLLLLLLLL!!!! Pockle- People of Color Kink and Leather Experience is looking to showcase you for JULY! Please send photos (you can send more than one) to POCKLE page messenger with your name that you wish to have published! xoxo #POCKLEPROJECT #POCKLE #PETSOFCOLOR #JULYISPETSOFCOLORMONTH #KINK #LEATHER https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2865839583538637...

Check out this issue of The 1st Link. Many BIPOC community members are featured in this issue! #BIPOC #Leather #BIPOCLeather #BlackLeather #KINK #BlackKinkster #BIPOCKinkster #pocklemedia http://nla-international.com/link-magazine-.html?fbclid=IwAR1glM9LwjVi3Qgii-BFyKsleEEwKHQf-FQ-uSbMyOF6KJPjStrLTeT7Jeg [ad_2] Source...

#POCKLEKEYNOTEPROJECT presents “Bright Side of the Right Side - The Art of Submission & Surrender Symposium Keynote Address by slave Sassy Nikki Evans Thank you girl green for curating such an impactful and necessary opportunity for us on the Bright Side of the Right Side. I am humbled and honored to be a part of this virtual symposium and to deliver it's keynote address. I also thank Sir Oya Ra and the Illuminati House of Ra for the support and encouragement of girl green...

It is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month!!!! We will be bringing you as much representation as possible to showcase incredible individuals, groups and businesses that represent. AAPI folks in the Kink and Leather Scene! Stay tuned and check this page periodically for updates! #AAPI #AsianAmericanPacificIslanderHeritageMonth #AsianAmerican #PacificIslander #POCKLE #Leather #Kink #History #LeatherHistory #KinkHistory #OurBIPOCStories https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2723441791111751...

Happy Sunday! Please enjoy this keynote speech given by Q Wilson at Leather Reign in 2018! #POCKLE #WomensHistoryMonth #BlackWomensHistory #Kink #Leather #Q #QWilson #QueerLeather #Kinky #History #Herstory #PeopleofColorKinkandLeatherHistory #POCKLEWomensHistoryMonth #pocklekeynoteproject “Thank you Tris, Good evening everyone. Before I start I’d like to take a moment to thank all of the folks who are volunteering this weekend. Sometimes we take for granted what our experience would be like on our magical weekends if we didn’t have so many people step up...

President’s Note: Happy Friday! It’s March and therefore Women’s Month! Who’s Next?? It took a while to compile this SuperStar of a Kinkster’s Important Links and Mentions. I don’t think I’m anywhere near done actually. However, this is a GREAT start to her work and legacy. Midori is a household name when it comes to ROPE and SEX. She’s traveled the world both physically and virtually. She’s has one of the biggest virtual footprints I’ve ever seen and I hope...

Happy Super Tuesday everyone! Here is another keynote speech given by @Mama Vi Johnson. To date, Mama Vi has the most keynote speeches given by someone who is woman identified. I’m super glad that she saved all of her speeches as they are being shared this month for Women’s History Month! This one was given at the Master slave Conference in 2005! #LeatherHistory #WomensHistoryMonth #MamaVi #ViJohnson #Leather #Kink #KinkHistory #Keynotes #BlackWomensHistory #POCKLE #POCKLEKEYNOTEPROJECT #POCKLEWomensHistoryMonth “MsC 2005 Speech ...

Good Monday to you!!! Today for Women’s History Month, we are recognizing @Judy Tallwing! Below you’ll find the results of research I did to pool together important moments in her history! She’s the first IMsL and an incredible woman of color! With a young heart, an old soul, and a wise mind, we salute the fabulous Judy and all the wonderful things she’s done for our community!!!- Tyesha Best, Owner and President, POCKLE- People of Color Kink & Leather Experience....

#TakeRefugePhotography #PortraitPhotography #StudioPhotography #strobist #fujifilm #fuji #fujifilm_xseries #fujifilmxt3 #xt3 #godox #ad200 #ad200pro #godoxv1 #glowparapop #leatherman #onyx #leather https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2581561828633082...