Good Monday to you!!! Today for Women’s History Month, we are recognizing @
Good Monday to you!!! Today for Women’s History Month, we are recognizing @Judy Tallwing! Below you’ll find the results of research I did to pool together important moments in her history! She’s the first IMsL and an incredible woman of color! With a young heart, an old soul, and a wise mind, we salute the fabulous Judy and all the wonderful things she’s done for our community!!!- Tyesha Best, Owner and President, POCKLE- People of Color Kink & Leather Experience. #WomensHistoryMonth #BIPOC #POC #History #Leather #KINK #POCKLE #IndigenousPeople #LeatherHistory #POCKLEWomensHistoryMonth
The Leather Journal: https://www.theleatherjournal.com/…/74-first-international-…
George Mason University: https://odl.gmu.edu/…/03.19.15-Caitlin-Holmes-Essay-Sample-…
Queer Story Files: http://queerstoryfiles.blogspot.com/…/around-world-in-anoth…
Leatherpedia: http://www.leatherpedia.org/international-ms-leather/
Baltimore City Paper: http://www.citypaper.com/bcpnews-avam-s-yummm-the-history-f…
Online Mentions
Museum of Indian Culture: http://www.museumofindianculture.org/sitemap.xml
Kutztown University: https://www.kutztown.edu/…/frederick-douglass-…/scholars.htm
NLAI: http://www.nla-international.com/pres.html
Baltimore OutLoud: http://baltimoreoutloud.com/…/in-memoriam-sir-morgan-nagro…/
Medium: https://medium.com/…/it-was-my-honor-this-weekend-to-serve-…
LA&M 1987 IMsL Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Lizzm7AgbU
LA&M 1987 IMsL Stepdown Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmtuLiDocOc
LA&M 2009 Judy Tallwing and David Kloss The Fireside Chat Series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOzym1tLJrc
Book mentions
White Spirit Animals: Prophets of Change https://books.google.com/books…
Gender, Sexuality, and Museums: https://books.google.com/books…
Monica Malone
TY for this. I really want to take some time to look through these.
Sur JJay
My friend
Vi Johnson
You describe her so perfectly; ” Young heart, an old soul and a wise mind.” The added bonus is that she is also a Gemini.
Suzanne Van de Laar
Thank you for sharing this wonderful document ❤️
Tai Tai
Jan Hall
What a sweetheart.