Posted on
June 24, 2020
Goddess Lakshimi
What is Your Scene Name? | Goddess Lakshimi |
City and State of residence? | Detroit Michigan |
Region of Residence? | United States and Canada North East |
What are your pronouns? | She/her/hers |
What is your gender Identity? | Female |
What is your sexual identity? | Bisexual |
What is are your racial identities? | African American, Asian, Caucasion |
What is/are your ethnicities? (Culture, nationality, ancestry, language) | Black, English, and Canadian |
How did you first get into Leather and/or Kink? | Offline |
Give a Brief Description of your entrance into Leather and/or Kink | A dear friend took me to a party. |
What was your local scene like when you were starting? How is it now, by comparison? | It was selective, secretive, and.welcoming, I find now it is divisive, and rudementary. |
Who’s the most influential Black person. In your life and why? | Viola Johnson because she found me and helped me become the Leather Woman I am today. |
What book have you read that influenced your life and why? | To love to serve and obey, and Dhampir by Viola Johnson, The ethical slut by Dossie Eastson, Different loving by Dr. Gloria Brame, Screw the Rose’s send me the thorns by Molly Devon and Phillip Miller, The loving Dominant, Leather Sex, Family Jewels, The topping book, The bottoming book, Erotic Fairy Tails, and more. Because I desired to KNOW what I was doing, to do it well and why was I doing it. And to know that there were others like me. |
Talk about one of your favorite experiences in your local Kink and/or Leather Community. | Not local yet this is my favorite and my local one is similar.Being invited to Master William’s and Soduire’s home for a very private party. Learning the proper way to use needles there, having many other experiences there and having the most luxurious and sexy hot tub afterwards just being comfortable in my own skin and authentic with my slave Sweet Limey. |
Do you have a favorite mantra or quote? If so, please share. | I have four “Blood is thicker than water, but Leather is thicker than blood” said to me by my Leather sister in my living room over 17 years ago many have claimed that this was their original quote yet I know that Mistress Cassy said it to me in my living room with tears of gratitude because of asthma inhalers and singulair. These are mine created by me. “To be ignorant is not a crime, but to stay ignorant {with all the information available now}IS” “Complacency is as dangerous as ignorance perhaps even more so. This last one I think is a combination of a few people I have met Bob Bender, Joseph Bean, Ultra Domme, and the late Diamond Jim; “Don’t be in a hurry. Relax. Enjoy! It is the ride that is the Journey!” |
Name of Clubs you have been a part of? (Please also notate duration, leadership positions if any, and membership levels) | Dominants Round Table, Power and Trust (mother and advisor), Stocks and Bonds (facilitator, board member, keyholder), XTC, NCSF, MiChatOhs (advisor, facilitator, years later owner and operator.), Le Chateau, SLCF (Board member), G.L.A.K.S. (President and founder). O.P.G.L. (President and co-founder, charter member) There are many more I have been in but cannot remember. I will try to find my original biography so I can give you more. |
Are you a founding member of any club(s)? | Yes |
If you answered yes to previous question please list club(s), or write n/a. | Dominant’s Round Table, G.L.A.K.S., O.P.G.L. |
Are you a founding member of any organization? | Yes |
If you answered yes to previous question please list organization(s), or write n/a. | Dominant’s Round Table, G.L.A.K.S., ONYX Pearls Great Lakes (co-founder with ONYX Pearl Rayn) |
Were there any other Black leather folks around in the leather scene when you came into the scene/community? | Yes |
If so, did you find that you gravitated more towards each other? If not, how did this affect your experience? Did you build your own community? Say more about your experience. | There were very few, and when possible I would attempt to talk and exchange questions, answers and contact information. It was difficult because I was usually teaching and couldn’t just stop and speak to those few I did see. My first real one on one was Mama Vi (Viola Johnson) coming into a restaurant and asking to join my slaves and saying may I join you and by the way you smell familiar. October 7-10 1999. Living in Leather. |
Do you think being Black has hampered your experience in the leather/kink community at all? | No |
If it has, what kind of things did you do to try and remedy those issues? If it hasn’t, please describe. | I was always accepted as the exotic flower and people flocked to me. Spirit to Spirit. |
Is there a specific instance where you feel your Blackness enhanced your experience in Leather? | Yes |
If you answered “yes” or “maybe” please explain. |
Almost all of it. Because I bring a unique perspective because I was in the middle of the transition between “Keep it in the closet” and ” Be open and allow all to see your complete self” not just partioned off pieces because of fear and ignorance. And the most exceptional experience being Black and kinky/Leather was Black Beat.
What is a specific challenge you had coming up in Leather that was unrelated to race/ethnicity? | Having a back injury and relearning how to do things that required strength or standing or lifting or twisting.. |
How do you find you’re treated in the Leather community vs. the greater LGBT community? | I feel that I have the best of all worlds because i am open and aproachable. |
Do you feel that the leather community and embracing blackness has a positive outlook? | Yes |
Please explain your previous response. | I am proud of who I am and my Blackness is simply a valued part of who I am. |
What advice would you give to newcomers in the Leather scene who are Black? | Take your time, learn from good mentors regardless of ethnic background, don’t believe everthing you hear. Research what you are told. And enjoy the journey. |