Hello everyone!!! Updates: $200 was sent via PayPal to the Carter/Johnson Leather Library Seattle Annex! Thanks for continuing to contribute! Check out: www.pockle.org/shop You'll see we have added more items that became available to us!!! If you have ordered the following: pin, fan, patch- These orders will begin to be mailed out THIS SATURDAY Aug 8th! So you have until then to finish PRE-ORDERS before they are mailed out. We are becoming overwhelmed with orders needing to go out that...

From Community member, Shaan Lashun: “BLACK MASC-OF-CENTER SWERS! I'm facilitating a chat today on how folks are surviving the pandemic, protests, and uncertainty. Open discussion, but we'll def be touching on mental health, resources, etc. . . This space is for current and former masc-identified/working (studs, bois, butches, trans and cis men, etc) providers ONLY. No allies. Non-Black people are welcomed to join with respect to the nature of the discussion. . . Free. TODAY @ 6P CST. Register here:...

Just an update: POCKLE has donated over $3338.50 of monies to various organizations and sponsorships since last year including: 1. ASL interpreters 2. Flights to and from events 3. Hotels at events 4. Meals catered by BIPOC persons 5. Artists for Commissions 6. Zoom Accounts 7. Financial help for bills of our community members 8. Other event sponsorships! 9. Paying our BIPOC POCKLE volunteers! THANK YOU! Thank you so much for your generous donations! We will also be making another donation, this time to Black Lives Matter! Please know that when we...

#pockleevents [fb_vid id="photo_id":"2383270375304237""][fb_vid id="2383270375304237"] https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2783695291753067...

https://www.mxpucksaplenty.com/polyam-day-camp #pockleevents Polyam Day Camp — Mx. Pucks A'PlentyThis online event will feature two digital classroom spaces and a diverse lineup of ethical non-monogamous workshops and presenters. https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2773369632785633...

https://facebook.com/events/s/maop-presents-the-original-pea/564682310904092/?ti=as #pockleevents https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2764345297021400...

We couldnt be more excited about this project! We are also taking up donations for the interpreters so please PM us if you would like to donate!! POCKLE will be contributing $100/event date. See you May 16th! #pockleevents https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2719054378217159...

#pockleevents [fb_vid id="photo_id":"524627138446246""][fb_vid id="524627138446246"] https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2697724760350121...