We have compiled a list of BIPOC National and International Titleholders In the Leather and Kink Cultures. After extensive research we are proud to produce a list of Titles and Names that span several decades. Though some titles do not exist anymore, we still want to recognize and bring visibility the representation in our community in this particular sub culture. If you know of any National or International Titles and Names that we have missed, please email info@pockle.org.


Mr Fantasy Leather

Mr Fantasy Leather 1997: @Ariq Johnson

Mr. Cheeks n Chaps

Mr Cheeks n Chaps Intl 1995: @Omar Mosley
Mr Cheeks n Chaps 1994: @Jimmy Lee Murray

Onyx Leatherman

Onyx Leatherman 1997/1998: Mufasa Ali

Mr. Ebony Leather

Mr Ebony Leather 2003: @Peter Mitchell
Mr Ebony Leather 2002: Vince Edd
Mr Ebony Leather 2001: @Hilary Napoleone- Williams
Mr Ebony Leather 2000: @Rick Morris
Mr Ebony Leather 1999: @Ariq Robinson
Mr Ebony Leather 1998: @Andre J Marcial
Mr Ebony Leather 1997: @Davian O. Nelson
Mr Ebony Leather 1993: @Jimmy Lee Murray
Mr Ebony Leather 1993: @Omar Mosley

Leatherwoman of Color

Leatherwoman of Color 2019: Marialuisa Garcia

Leatherman of Color

Leatherman of Color 2019: Jack Thompson
Leatherman of Color 2018: @Dax Volpe
Leatherman of Color 2017: Kai Anderson
Leatherman of Color 2016: Khalid El Bey
Leatherman of Color 2013: @Egypt Buck
Leatherman of Color 2012: @Peter Hamilton
Leatherman of Color 2011: Rod Onyx
Leatherman of Color 2010: @J Lee Fennell
Leatherman of Color 2007: Doc Hoskins Jr.
Leatherman of Color 2006: @Joey Boynton
Leatherman of Color 2005: John Tatum

International Mr Leather

International Mr Leather 2019: @Jack Thompson
International Mr Leather 2018: James Lee
International Mr Leather 2014: @Ramien Pierre
International Mr Leather 1991: @D Cannon
International Mr Leather 1984: @Ron Moore

International Mr Bootblack

International Mr Bootblack 2018: Lucky Ordaz
International Mr Bootblack 2017: @Ryan Carpenter-Garner
International Mr Bootlback 2014: @Scout the Bootblack
International Mr Bootblack 2001: @Paksen

Ms Leather

Ms Leather 1981: @Rachel Williams

International Ms Leather

International Ms Leather 2017: @Girl Complex
International Ms Leather 2011: @Sara Vibes
International Ms Leather 2010: @Mollena Lee Williams Haas
International Ms Leather 2009: @Lamalani
International Ms Leather 2002: @Russ Cosgrove
International Ms Leather 2000: @Jo Blas
International Ms Leather 1997: @Jenelle Moore (Sibling to @Ron Moore)
International Ms Leather 1996: Jill Carter
International Ms Leather 1987: @Judy Tallwing

International Ms Bootblack

International Ms Bootblack 2008: @Q Wilson
International Ms Bootblack 2007: @Ms V Boots

International Person of Leather

International Person of Leather 2018: @Kuvee Iamar
International Person of Leather 2020: @Bri Burning

International Honey’s Helper

International Honey’s Helper 2020 Tyesha Best

International Mr Olympus Leather

International Mr Olympus Leather 2019: @Randall Whiterock Zotig
International Mr Olympus Leather 2006: @Terrell Brown

International Ms Olympus Leather

International Ms Olympus Leather 2011: @Sir Kira Morganne
International Ms Olympus Leather 2006: @Lady Alesha Raven De Fury

International Leather Sir

International Leather Sir 2018: @Sir Jay Taylor
International Leather Sir 2017: @Sir Ivan Nunez
International Leather Sir 2005: @Dexter Edmond
International Leather Sir 2003: @Mike Russell

International Leatherboy

International Leatherboy 2004: @Ivan Reyes
International Leatherboy 2002: @Jose Guitierrez

International Mr Drummer

International Mr Drummer 1993: @Graylin Thornton
International Mr Drummer 1981: @Ray Perea

International Drummerboy

International Mr Drummerboy 2001: @Mark Greene

Drummer North America

Drummer North America 2016: @Doc Hoskins Jr

International Master and slave

International Master and slave 2018: Master Blue and slave BlueFrost
International slave 2017: slave girl J
International Master and slave 2010: Master Obsidian and slave namaste

International Ms Deaf Leather

International Ms Deaf Leather 2011: Val Sherrill
International Ms Deaf Leather 2001: Cynobia Demps “Black X”

International Mr Deaf Leather

International Mr Deaf Leather 2002: William “Bam” Coleman
International Mr Deaf Leather 1997: Patrick Richardson

International Power Exchange

International Power Exchange 2013: Sir Guy DeBrownsville and girl Karida

International Mr Rubber

International Mr Rubber 2017: Preston So

Ms World Bear

Ms World Bear: @Oshun Diazz Onyx

International Mr Leather Bear

International Mr Leather Bear 2018: @Ali Lopez

North American Daddy Bear

North American Daddy Bear 2018: Sir-Cipactli Auxilium Onyx

North American Muscle Bear

North American Muscle Bear 2018: @Mike Revis

Mister Ultimate Bear

Mister Ultimate Bear 2019 @Buddhaa Onyx

American Leatherman

American Leatherman 2018: @Rai Guerra
American Leatherman 2017: @ Onyx Rod
American Leatherman 2010: @Louie Pacheco- Saenz
American Leatherman 2005: @Kwame “Blackkat” Banks
American Leatherman 1994: @Victor Madge
American Leatherman 1991/1992: @Jose Alberto Ucles

American Leatherwoman

American Leatherwoman 2017: @Jackie Thompson
American Leatherwoman 2011: @Trinity Thompson
American Leatherwoman 2002: @Tobin Britton

American Leatherboy

American Leatherboy 2015: boy pup Max
American Leatherboy 2011: @Tyler Fong

Mr American Rubber

Mr American Rubber 2014: Spec Black

Ms World Leather

Ms World Leather 2003: @Goddess Lakshimi

Mr World Leather

Mr World Leather 2006/2007: @Mufasa Ali

Ms South Africa Leather

Ms South Africa Leather 2015: @Selogadi Mampane


Ms NLA 1996: @Stacey Thomas

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