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We have acquired the vest!! **************************** Blair Kituhwa was the second Indigenous woman to hold the IMsL title. If you are able please help us reclaim this piece and share this post to help us mobilize the community. Someone is selling her title vest on etsy. https://www.facebook.com/126809134043065/posts/3162831040440844/?sfnsn=mo https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2891705380952057...

QUEER TRANS POC COMMUNITY MASKWorking in COLAB with Scout Hudson I am Proud to bring you the Official QUEER TRANS POC FLAG STICKER a portion of profit from every one will go into this fund <https://www.customink.com/fundraising/centerqtpoc?share=1141591154015266&fbclid=IwAR2ycIAIYHYLQ9oIcQn7tTWuPj02JmSNNvIxlJ0V4Ui56sXvO7w...

On Thursday July 16th at 6pm EST Via Zoom, special guest speaker @pupkenzo will be hosting a FREE educational discussion on Pups in the BDSM community! This class has been highly requested as well! As always, taking notes is encouraged but not mandatory and this is a safe space for you to learn and grow as kinksters, so dont be shy and ask questions! This class is 18+ and seats are limited! At 5:45 EST the Zoom room will...

#POCKLE #POCKLEEDUCATION The Illuminati House of Ra"Show Up and Show Out" The Illuminati House of Ra was merely a vision; turned reality in the latter part of 2016. Master/Sir Eli’s vision was to focus it’s c...

Race & Kink w/ Luna Matatas & Marla Renee StewartRace & Kink w/ Luna Matatas & Marla Renee Stewart | Marla Rene Stewart & Luna Matatas join us for a conversation about race and BDSM. Learn how the intersection of race and various other identities affect not only individuals but the community as a whole, how BIPOC people can best navigate these spa...

ROLLLLLLLLL CALLLLLLLLLL!!!! Pockle- People of Color Kink and Leather Experience is looking to showcase you for JULY! Please send photos (you can send more than one) to POCKLE page messenger with your name that you wish to have published! xoxo #POCKLEPROJECT #POCKLE #PETSOFCOLOR #JULYISPETSOFCOLORMONTH #KINK #LEATHER https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2865839583538637...

Up first, rounding out our amazing team. Currently, we are looking for the following: Diversity Lead Social Media Lead Fundraising Coordinator Vendor Coordinator We will have official job descriptions shortly. For now, we are looking for people who believe in our mission, have experience in the area for which they are applying, can work well with a diverse team, and want to give back to our community. These positions are new, so there will be a lot of...

POCKLE wants to showcase you!! Please post your pet pics below or send us a PM if you want to keep it a surprise until it is posted! Don't forget to write what name you would like us to use when we post! https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2849752045147391...

Did you miss the chance to listen in on history as the Original Pearls talked about how they came to be? We thank the Mid-Atlantic Onyx Pearls for hosting this extremely important event. We have been given permission to share this video with you, and hope that you find joy in the fact that Black and Brown history is always being made in the Kink and Leather scenes. #POCKLEHISTORY #POCKLEBIPOCHISTORY #OnyxPearls #OriginalPearls #POCKLEBLACKHISTORY[fb_vid id="photo_id":"642396779690723""][fb_vid id="642396779690723"] https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2847246955397900...

http://www.pockle.org/shop A few housekeeping notes: 1. Some items will experience a delivery delay due to COVID-19. 2. Black Leather Pride Items have been added to the store- profits benefiting the Carter Johnson Library and their Annexes. 3. Due to COVID-19 apparel options will not be made available for a month or two. So keep checking our page and shop for updates! We thank you SO MUCH for supporting Black Owned businesses and organizations! We wouldn't be able to empower Black...

Remember that one time when we had a bunch of ya'll fill out the Black Kink and Leather History Month Profile form for POCKLE? Remember when COVID-19 happened and things had to pause? Well we are happy to announce that we've begun uploading profiles: http://pockle.org/category/pockleblackhistorymonth/ Check out all the beautiful Black folk who took the time to carefully shout who they are and what they stand for! ...

Join us at 7:30PM on Wednesday, June 24th, 2020 and listen in, as the Brothers of ONYX Northwest engage in a panel conversation discussing the intersectionality of POC Leathermen within Black Lives Matter social justice movement and COVID-19 public health crisis. Panelists include: Ramien Pierre, IML 2014; Daddy Rod, ONYX National Council Treasurer; Trey ONYX, Chapter President, Mr. San Francisco Leather 2019 This will be a dialogue centering on BIPOC voices and how ONYX Northwest brothers are navigating and...

We are looking for LGBTQIA BIPOC Kink and Leather folk to fill out profiles so that we can feature them on www.pockle.org! We are hoping that you'd love to represent and speak about who and what you are during this Pride Month! #JUNETEENTH #POCKLEHISTORY #BIPOCHISTORY #POCKLEPRIDEHISTORY #PRIDEMONTH #LGBTQIAHISTORY #BLACKHISTORY #POCKLEBLACKHISTORY Google Forms - create and analyze surveys, for free.Create a new survey on your own or with others at the same time. Choose from a variety of survey types...

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juneteenth #Juneteenth #POCKLEHistory #POCKLEBlackHistory Juneteenth - WikipediaJuneteenth (a portmanteau of June and nineteenth;[2] also known as Freedom Day,[3] Jubilee Day,[4] and Liberation Day[5]) is a Texas state holiday celebrated annually on the 19th of June throughout the United States to commemorate Union army general Gordon Granger announcing federal orders in the ci...

#Tebias #POCKLENEWS Who Said Black Lives Don't Matter?As the streets of the United States, Europe and abroad echo the sentiments that Black Lives Matter, the entire world listens. Finally they listen to a voice that has been screaming for 400 years to be freed. The voices of children such as Emmett Till to Trayvon Martin to Ahmaud Arbery to now George...

From Community member, Shaan Lashun: “BLACK MASC-OF-CENTER SWERS! I'm facilitating a chat today on how folks are surviving the pandemic, protests, and uncertainty. Open discussion, but we'll def be touching on mental health, resources, etc. . . This space is for current and former masc-identified/working (studs, bois, butches, trans and cis men, etc) providers ONLY. No allies. Non-Black people are welcomed to join with respect to the nature of the discussion. . . Free. TODAY @ 6P CST. Register here:...

Tonight is the night folks! Please support this fundraising educational initiative to raise funds to pay for POC Healers and Interpreters to hold space for healing for POC's during this troubling time. We are over half way there!! Please give generously and share share SHARE!! The more the merrier! This is important stuff!! Donations to support the POC Healing Initiative can be sent to: Venmo @IMsLBBGen5 CashApp $IMsLBBGen5 PayPal paypal.me/IMsLBBGen5 https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2821593951296534...

We are adding a lot more content this month!!! Check out http://pockle.org/resources/ periodically to see more! #POCKLENEWS Resources - People of Color Kink & Leather ExperienceJune 10, 2020 Black History Miss Kitty What is Your Scene Name? Miss Kitty City and State of residence? Des Moines Iowa Region of Residence? Midwest What are your pronouns? She/her/hers What is your gender Identity? Transwoman What is your sexual identity? Queer What is are your racial identities...

From a Community member Dolores Tejada : “Two black folks who were in Oakland got kicked out and displaced by a white Latinx. They’re now in LA but trying to fundraise for survival. Please send funds to “Sekiro9842” on CashApp. If you only have venmo, you can send me the money and I’ll pass it along. My Venmo is “LolaUrsula” please make it a public transaction for transparency if you can. Can we raise $100 for them?” ...

Check out this issue of The 1st Link. Many BIPOC community members are featured in this issue! #BIPOC #Leather #BIPOCLeather #BlackLeather #KINK #BlackKinkster #BIPOCKinkster #pocklemedia http://nla-international.com/link-magazine-.html?fbclid=IwAR1glM9LwjVi3Qgii-BFyKsleEEwKHQf-FQ-uSbMyOF6KJPjStrLTeT7Jeg [ad_2] Source...

#POCKLEKEYNOTEPROJECT presents “Bright Side of the Right Side - The Art of Submission & Surrender Symposium Keynote Address by slave Sassy Nikki Evans Thank you girl green for curating such an impactful and necessary opportunity for us on the Bright Side of the Right Side. I am humbled and honored to be a part of this virtual symposium and to deliver it's keynote address. I also thank Sir Oya Ra and the Illuminati House of Ra for the support and encouragement of girl green...

Support Trans Labor! QUEER TRANS POC COMMUNITY MASK Working in COLAB with Scout Hudson I am Proud to bring you the Official QUEER TRANS POC FLAG STICKER a portion of profit from every one will go into this fund <https://www.customink.com/fundraising/centerqtpoc?share=1141591154015266&fbclid=IwAR2ycIAIYHYLQ9oIcQn7tTWuPj02JmSNNvIxlJ0V4Ui56sXvO7w...

So I made this Quite some time ago because I was over not feeling represented in the queer community. I made it without solid black lines separating the different components of the flag because we blur together in one big community we are not separate. We as a community need to move trans and POC folks to the center but specifically, the intersectional part of Trans People of color need to be centered and supported. That is what this message...

Just an update: POCKLE has donated over $3338.50 of monies to various organizations and sponsorships since last year including: 1. ASL interpreters 2. Flights to and from events 3. Hotels at events 4. Meals catered by BIPOC persons 5. Artists for Commissions 6. Zoom Accounts 7. Financial help for bills of our community members 8. Other event sponsorships! 9. Paying our BIPOC POCKLE volunteers! THANK YOU! Thank you so much for your generous donations! We will also be making another donation, this time to Black Lives Matter! Please know that when we...

#pockleevents [fb_vid id="photo_id":"2383270375304237""][fb_vid id="2383270375304237"] https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2783695291753067...

The Mid-Atlantic Onyx Pearls are now accepting applications for full membership now through May 27, 2020! Full membership is open to all Leatherwomen and Non Binary folx of color who reside in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Please be 21 and older. Inquire by sending an email to onyxpearlsma@gmail.com. https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2776127009176562...

https://www.mxpucksaplenty.com/polyam-day-camp #pockleevents Polyam Day Camp — Mx. Pucks A'PlentyThis online event will feature two digital classroom spaces and a diverse lineup of ethical non-monogamous workshops and presenters. https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2773369632785633...

#pockleproject [fb_vid id="photo_id":"195160154886734""][fb_vid id="195160154886734"] https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2770113829777880...

https://facebook.com/events/s/maop-presents-the-original-pea/564682310904092/?ti=as #pockleevents https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2764345297021400...

POCKLE is looking to gather more funds to cover Interpreter services for BIPOC centered events and experiences! Please if you can, especially those who are supporters of BIPOC and POCKLE, pass a few dollars to our pay pal at pockleproject@gmail.com. Don’t forget to check back at our Facebook page here, as well as our website: www.pockle.org! #newsandupdates https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2760162564106340...

It is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month!!!! We will be bringing you as much representation as possible to showcase incredible individuals, groups and businesses that represent. AAPI folks in the Kink and Leather Scene! Stay tuned and check this page periodically for updates! #AAPI #AsianAmericanPacificIslanderHeritageMonth #AsianAmerican #PacificIslander #POCKLE #Leather #Kink #History #LeatherHistory #KinkHistory #OurBIPOCStories https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2723441791111751...

Namio Harukawa (1947 – April 24, 2020) was a pseudonymous Japanese fetish artist best known for his works depicting female domination, with erotic asphyxiation through facesitting appearing as a frequent subject of his art. https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2719353668187230...

We couldnt be more excited about this project! We are also taking up donations for the interpreters so please PM us if you would like to donate!! POCKLE will be contributing $100/event date. See you May 16th! #pockleevents https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2719054378217159...

Do we know any Community interpreters that might be willing to donate an hour or two to the Leather History Jeoparody event happening online this evening at 7pm EDT/6pm CDT/ 5pm MDT / 4pm PDT ? Please message if you have any leads https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2703932186396045...

THIS EVENT IS THIS AFTERNOON/EVENING 7PM EDT/6PM CDT/5PM MDT/4PM PDT SEE YOU THERE Leather History Jeopardy hosted by Jill Carter Apr 25, 2020 7pm EDT/6pm CDT/5pm MDT/4pm PDT Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95808183691… Meeting ID: 958 0818 3691 Password: 044148 One tap mobile +16699009128,,95808183691#,,#,044148# US (San Jose) +13462487799,,95808183691#,,#,044148# US (Houston) Dial by your location +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 346...

#pocklemedia [fb_vid id="photo_id":"520509025278555""][fb_vid id="520509025278555"] https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2697725247016739...

#pockleevents [fb_vid id="photo_id":"524627138446246""][fb_vid id="524627138446246"] https://www.facebook.com/2135170893272180/posts/2697724760350121...